Welcome to ICPM 2024

The ICPM 2024 organizing committee welcomes the Ibero-American authors who will participate in this research event on September 5th and 6th, 2024, at the Ean University, Bogotá-Colombia.

This new version of the conference will focus on analyzing the challenges that organizations face in the global context from the perspective of project management. Global trends such as the energy transition, digital transformation and artificial intelligence invite us to rethink project management and its role in the organizational context.

Main Topics

To participate as a speaker at ICPM 2024, papers related to the following topics will be accepted:



  • Projects and Organization.
  • Strategy, competitiveness, and new trends in management.
  • Entrepreneurship and Sustainability.
  • Leadership, high performance, and organizational culture.
  • Economic development, finance, and marketing.
  • Projects and Technology.
  • New trends in computing, data science and cybersecurity.
  • Management, automation, and optimization of processes.
  • Sustainable development, environmental management, and energy transition.
  • Innovation and science of materials.
  • Projects and educational innovation.
  • Strategies for virtual teaching.
  • Meaningful learning and collaborative work.
  • Management of Virtual Learning Scenarios.
  • Inclusive, social, and emotional education.

Note: ICPM 2024 will welcome original research on these topics but is not limited to receiving research even if it addresses other areas.


First Day: Thursday, September 5, 2024
From 8:00 to 13:00PAPERS PRESENTATION: At the time of the appointment, the authors will show the results of their research work. Presentations may be in person, online or offline.
Second Day: Friday, September 6, 2024
From 7:45 to 8:30Attendee registration
From 8:30 to 8:50Welcome to ICPM2022.
From 9:00 to 9:45FIRST CONFERENCE: Circular economy and biomass transformation projects.
From 9:55 to 10:50FIRST PANEL: Energy transition and competitiveness.
From 10:50 to 11:20Coffee Break
From 11:30 to 12:20SECOND CONFERENCE: Project management and organization.
From 12:30 to 13:00 ICPM 2024 closing event.

Note 1: The participation of the authors will be certified.
Note 2. The certificate for attendees will cost $25.oo USD.

Important Dates

From December 4, 2023, to February 23, 2024Call for abstracts.
February 29, 2024Result of the approved abstracts.
April 26, 2024Deadline for submission of full papers.
May 23, 2024Result of the approved full papers.
June 28, 2024Author registration fee payment deadline.
June 28, 2024Adjusted full papers submission: final version.
September 5, 2024ICPM 2024: papers presentation in person, online or offline.
September 6, 2024ICPM 2024: main conferences.


Registration fee per paper from allied institutions.


Registration fee per paper from external institutions.


Certificate fee for attendees ICPM2024.


Submission guideline


Step 1: submit the abstract of your research in an MS-Word document, written in Spanish or English, with a maximum length of 250 words. 5 keywords must be included, «Project management» is a mandatory word. Register your Abstract here. Remember, the deadline for abstract submission is February 23, 2024. If you have any questions you can write to the email: grupodgp@universidadean.edu.co

Step 2: if your abstract is approved, you must send the complete paper through the EasyChair platform that includes the results of original research and that has not been previously published. Don’t forget to check the main topics section. Below are the shipping guidelines:

  1. All papers submitted, without exception, must be written in English.
  2. All papers presented, without exception, must be written in the ICPM 2024 standard template.
  3. The maximum length of the paper must be 5 pages, based on the proposed template.
  4. All papers will be rigorously evaluated. The results will be reported to the corresponding author through the EasyChair platform. The result can be approved or rejected. Remember to check the Important Dates section.
  5. If your work is approved, you will be able to pay the registration fee. Remember to check the Important Dates and Registration Fees sections.
  6. The presentation of the paper at ICPM 2024 may be carried out by one of the authors. The time allocated for each presentation is 10 minutes maximum.
  7. The ICPM2024 offers 3 modalities to present the paper: [1] in person; [2] online (connection link will be provided); [3] offline (Video must be recorded and sent). Previously, the authors must inform which option is chosen.
  8. Authors are responsible for delivering the final version of their article. All required conditions must be met to be included in the ICPM 2024 proceedings. In addition, the rights session letter must also be delivered.



Brigitte Baptiste

Chancellor of Ean University. Former director of the Alexander Von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute. Member of the Scientific Policy Advisory Committee of the Inter-American Environmental Initiative for Global Change – IAI. Member of the scientific committee of the global PECS (Ecosystem Change and Society) program. Biologist expert in sustainability issues. Teacher and researcher.

Elena Stashenko

Laureate Full Professor with undergraduate and doctoral training in Chemistry in Russia.  Member of the Editorial Committee of several international magazines. Full Member of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, ACCEFYN.  General Director of the National Center of Research Excellence for the Agroindustrialization of Tropical Aromatic and Medicinal Plant Species (CENIVAM). Director of the Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Laboratory (CROM-MASS) of the UIS.

Crishelen Kurezyn

PhD in Organization Management. Head of doctoral programs in management, UPAEP – México. Member of the Group of Future Leaders of Mexico. Speaker at the Fourth Global Forum. Flourish Award in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 in collaboration with the UN. Ambassador in the international organization AIM2Flourish. Author of several research articles published in internationally recognized scientific journals..

Azucena Liévano

Television reporter, producer, editor-in-chief, news presenter and director of Television News. Director of radio programs. Radio editor. Director of Media Management and Crisis Communication Seminars. Writer. Winner of the Simón Bolívar Prize. College professor.

Amylkar Acosta

Economist. Full Member of the Colombian Academy of Economic Sciences. Member of the Colombian Academy of History. Former president of the Congress of the Republic of Colombia. Former Minister of Mines and Energy. Professor and researcher. Author of several publications and journalist for the main Colombian newspapers.

Björn Müller-Bohlen

Organizational design and project management enthusiast. He works as a consultant, trainer and facilitator, initiating and supporting international collaborations in the fields of education, civil society and science. He has a strong passion for co-creation and agile learning journeys. After joining Bonn University, Germany, where he was in charge of the development and improvement of study programs and science communications, he served as an executive director for the Forum of International Academic Sciences’ unit for Strategic Partnerships, developing projects, joint ventures and activities for transformative science. As co-founder of the twin city lab he fostered international cooperations between cities, urban communities, business and civil society.




  • Nelson Antonio Moreno-Monsalve, PhD.
    General Chair
  • Leonardo Rodríguez Urrego, PhD.
    Publication Chair
  • William Steven Fajardo-Moreno, PhD.
    Financial Chair
  • José Gustavo Vivas Martín, PhD.
    Technical Chair
  • Dra. Brigitte Baptiste Ballera
    Oversight Committee


  • Dra. Crishelen Kurezyn
    Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
    International Advisor – Mexico
  • Dra. María Lourdes Saldaña Benemérita
    Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
    International Advisor – Mexico
  • Dr. Juan Pablo Vázquez Loaiza
    Universidad Salesiana
    International Advisor – Ecuador
  • Dra. Tamara Pando
    Universidad Privada Peruano Alemana
    International Advisor – Perú
  • Dra. Flor Nancy Diaz Piraquive
    Chancellor Fundación Universitaria Internacional de la Rioja UNIR.
    International Advisor – España
  • Dr. José Vicente Valdenebro García
    Universidad Pública de Navarra
    International Advisor – España
  • Dr. Faustino Gimena
    Universidad Pública de Navarra
    International Advisor – España
  • Dra. Dolly Smith Flórez Moreno
    Universidad Santo Tomás Bucaramanga
    National Advisor – Colombia
  • Ing. Guillermo Roa Rodríguez
    Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
    National Advisor – Colombia
  • Dr. Henry Mauricio Diez-Silva
    Vice-chancellor Escuela Colombiana de Rehabilitación
    National Advisor – Colombia
  • Dr. Hugo Fernando Ceballos Gómez
    Universidad Mariana
    National Advisor – Colombia
  • Cr. Miguel Andrés Camelo Sánchez
    Escuela de Postgrados de la Policía Nacional
    National Advisor – Colombia
  • My. Carlos Alberto Hurtado
    Escuela de Postgrados de la Policía Nacional
    National Advisor – Colombia
  • Lorena Piñeiro Cortes. PhD.
    Vice-Chancellor Innovation Ean University
  • Jeffrey León Pulido, PhD.
    Dean Faculty of Engineering, Ean University
  • Dr. José Enrique Alba
    Dean Faculty of administration, finance and economic sciences, Ean University
  • Dra. Mónica Colin de Velázquez
    Dean Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ean University
  • Milton Januario Rueda Varón. PhD.
    Head of doctoral programs in engineering, Ean University
  • Omar Alonso Patiño. PhD.
    Head of doctoral programs in management, Ean University
  • César Hernando Rincón González. PhD.
    Head of postgraduate programs in project management, Ean University.
  • Maira Alejandra García Jaramillo. PhD.
    Head of research group Technological ONTARE Ean University.
  • Miguel Ángel González Curbelo. PhD.
    Head of research group Basic sciences Ean University.
  • Elizabeth León Velásquez. PhD.
    Head of research group Environmental management Ean University.
  • Antonio Lobato Junior. PhD.
    Head of research group Linguistics and Organizational Communication Ean University.
  • José Luis Niño Amézquita. PhD.
    Head of research group Policy and Sustainability Ean University.


As a result of the International Conference on Project Management, several research papers have been published with the participating Ibero-American authors. Below we present the published works:

  1. Proceedings of International Conference on Project management
    The articles from the different versions of the ICPM have been published in the MINERVA database in open source to be consulted and cited by anyone. You can review the ICPM proceedings here.
  2. Research books collection in project management
    As a result of research, a collection of books focused on project management has been published. You can review the ICPM book collection here.
  3. Special edition on project management from DYNA Journal
    In alliance with DYNA Journal, a special edition on Project Management has been published. You can review the special edition here.

Conference Sponsors: